GREETINGS. My name is Angelo Ferrari, KO6AFO, and I am the club president for the 2025 year. I am
looking forward to an interesting and fun filled year of amateur radio activities. In addition
to the regular club meetings, community service projects, such as the Grizzly Run and “Break the Barriers”
events and hidden transmitter hunts (“Fox Hunts”).
We are also planning to help the community through
activities with Cal Fire, and providing communication services as part of the annual Founders Day parade,
among others.
All are welcome at our meetings and activites regardless of whether you hold a ham license or not and
we are here to help anyone in obtaining an operating license. Check the dates for Examination dates, too,
elsewhere on this page!
We are a very active club, and are all about having fun, furthering Amateur
radio, with a strong emphasis on local community activities, while preparing for
any possible local emergencies.
The 147.180 repeater is currently offline for an unknown amount of time.
The W6PPM Repeater is being used in the interim. Also located on Deadwood Peak
near Oakhurst, they operate on 146.745 MHz, - minus offset, with a PL of 123.0 Hz.
Web Site: Mikhael Brown, W6PE Email